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contoh kalimat art rock

"art rock" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • "Art rock" is often used synonymously with progressive rock.
    "Art rock" seringkali disamakan dengan progressive rock.
  • Enthusiasm for art rock explorations waned in the mid 1970s.
    Antusiasme dalam eksplorasi art-rock mulai bekurang pada pertengahan era 1970an.
  • As progressive rock developed, experimental rock acquired notoriety alongside art rock.
    Seiring musik rock progresif berkembang, art rock memperoleh ketenaran bersama musik rock eksperimental.
  • Art rock emphasizes Romantic and autonomous traditions, in distinction to the aesthetic of the everyday and the disposable embodied by art pop.
    Art rock menekankan Romantis dan tradisi, dalam perbedaan estetika sehari-hari dan diwujudkan oleh seni pop.
  • Art rock is most associated with a certain period of rock music, beginning in 1966–67 and ending with the arrival of punk in the mid 1970s.
    Kehadiran art rock berlangsung pada tahun 1966-67 dan berakhir dengan kedatangan punk di pertengahan tahun 1970-an.
  • Art rock aspires to elevate rock from entertainment to an artistic statement, opting for a more experimental and conceptual outlook on music.
    Art rock bercita-cita untuk mengubah fungsi rock dari sekadar hiburan remaja menjadi sebuah pernyataan artistik, bereksperimen secara konseptual dalam musik.
  • Williams also says that Spector transformed rock music as a performing art into an art that could only exist in the recording studio, which "paved the way for art rock".
    Williams juga mengatakan bahwa Spector mengubah musik rock dari sebuah pertunjukan menjadi seni yang hanya bisa ada di studio, hal ini membuka jalan art rock.
  • AllMusic states that the first wave of art rock musicians were inspired by Sgt. Pepper's and believed that for rock music to grow artistically, they should incorporate elements of European and classical music to the genre.
    Para musisi art rock saat itu percaya bahwa untuk mengembangkan musik rock secara artisik, mereka harus mendalami elemen-elemen musik Eropa dan klasik.
  • Expanding from his Detroit rock roots, Cooper has experimented with a number of musical styles, including art rock, hard rock, heavy metal, new wave, glam metal, and industrial rock.
    Berkembang dari Detroit rock akar, Cooper telah bereksperimen dengan sejumlah gaya musik, termasuk art rock, hard rock, heavy metal, new wave, glam metal, pop rock, experimental rock, dan industri batu.
  • Aciu Widjaja, the new manager of Musica, speculated that they required a new sound; as such, Chrisye, Djarot, and Jockie mixed art rock with Chrisye's standard romantic pop and drew influences from The Police.
    Aciu Widjaja, yang menjadi pemimpin Musica yang baru, mengusulkan bahwa mereka memerlukan gaya musik yang baru; dengan demikian,Chrisye, Djarot, dan Jockie mencampurkan art rock dengan pop romantis, serta menarik ilham dari The Police.
  • Differences have been identified between art rock and progressive rock, with art rock emphasizing avant-garde or experimental influences and "novel sonic structure", while progressive rock has been characterized as putting a greater emphasis on classically trained instrumental technique, literary content, and symphonic features.
    Perbedaan antara art rock dan rock progresif teridentifikasi melalui penekanan avant-garde dan eksperimental, sementara rock progresif lebih menekankan teknik instrumen klasik, konten sastra, dan simponisasi.
  • Differences have been identified between art rock and progressive rock, with art rock emphasizing avant-garde or experimental influences and "novel sonic structure", while progressive rock has been characterized as putting a greater emphasis on classically trained instrumental technique, literary content, and symphonic features.
    Perbedaan antara art rock dan rock progresif teridentifikasi melalui penekanan avant-garde dan eksperimental, sementara rock progresif lebih menekankan teknik instrumen klasik, konten sastra, dan simponisasi.
  • Throughout his solo career his hard rock likings slowly but steadily transformed into deeper music closer to ethnic ballad art rock; and though in his most recent albums hard rhythms are discernible, they may be more precisely characterized as funk.
    Dalam karier solonya hard rocknya secara perlahan menjadi musik yang lebih dalam hampir seperti etnik rock seni ballad; dan dalam album terbarunya ada irama berat yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai funk.
  • In 1978, biographer David Leaf wrote that the album heralded art rock, while according to The New York Observer, "Pet Sounds proved that a pop group could make an album-length piece comparable with the greatest long-form works of Bernstein, Copland, Ives, and Rodgers and Hammerstein."
    Pada 1978, David Leaf menulis padaThe New York Observer, bahwa Pet Sounds membuktikan bahwa grup musik pop dapat membuat sebuah album yang sejajar dengan Bernstein, Copland, Ives, dan Rodgers and Hammerstein.
  • Larry Starr and Christopher Waterman's American Popular Music defines art rock as a "form of rock music that blended elements of rock and European classical music", citing the English rock bands King Crimson, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, and Pink Floyd as examples.
    Musisi pop Amerika, Larry Starr dan Christopher Waterman mendefinisikan art rock sebagai "bentuk musik rock yang mencampurkan musik klasik dan musik rock Eropa", sebagai contoh adalah King Crimson, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, dan Pink Floyd.
  • The band's early history started in Zagreb, then SR Croatia in 1974, when its founding members Mladen Puljiz and Slavko Remenari?, switched their interest from classical music to rock music, inspired by art rock acts such as Yes, King Crimson, Genesis, David Bowie, Roxy Music and Peter Gabriel.
    Sejarah awal grup ini dimulai di Zagreb, lalu SR Croatia tahun 1974, dengan anggota pendirinya adalah Mladen Puljiz dan Slavko Remenari?, yang mengubah ketertarikan dari musik klasik menjadi rock, terinspirasi dari aksi rock-seni seperti Yes, King Crimson, Genesis, David Bowie, Roxy Music dan Peter Gabriel.